How to Treat Chronically Dry Skin Without Toxic Formulas
Despite the season, weather, or age, chronically dry skin, unfortunately, happens even under the best conditions. Common issues include dry elbows, knees, and hands. More specific maladies like dry and cracked lips, feet, and wrists often affect those with eczema or psoriasis. Lotions that are not formulated for sensitive skin types often hurt more than they help, making it difficult to successfully treat and soothe chronically dry skin. Ingredients for dry skin that you should keep an eye out for include cocoa butter, aloe vera, and unscented formulas for sensitive types. Parabens and sulfates strip skin and block pores, making it difficult to truly hydrate skin at a deeper level. Plant-based glycerin is one of the best ingredients for chronically dry and cracked skin. Glycerin is a simple polyol compound extracted from plant triglycerides. Well-known in the skincare community for being safe for sensitive skin types, glycerin lotion acts as a natural barrier to wat...